My Family

by Ezysoft Solution



Construct family tree, set contact relationship, build slideshow and timeline.

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My Family app constructs family tree for contacts, sets relationship terms of family members with reference to any selected individual and builds slideshow and local timeline for each individual. Data files of the app in a device can be easily shared remotely with others in a secured way. The main features are:★ Family tree construction ★ Relationship terms setting ★ Timeline building★ Slideshow building★ Data file sharingInfo on the above features:★ Family tree construction● Family members of all generations can be added or removed from the family-unit screen.● Order of seniority of children can be arranged by dragging them up or down.● Contact profile photo can be added and cropped from photo in gallery or taken from camera.● Family view can be in family-unit or family-tree format. ~Family tree screen● Can easily move and view from generation to generation.● Can access family tree of husband side or wife side from the same screen.★ Relationship terms setting ● Relationship term of family members (of a few generations) with reference to a particular individual will be set automatically.● Referenced individual can be change anytime and the relationship terms will be set accordingly.● Relationship terms can be set in English, Chinese or Bahasa Malaysia.★ Timeline building● Build local timeline for each contact with text only, photo only or both text and photo.● There are two timeline views. One with thumbnail photos and text and the other with full size picture and text.★ Slideshow building● Photos in device (or taken from camera) can be linked and presented as slideshow for each contact.● Slides can be reordered easily by dragging the photos up or down.● Music in device can be set as background music for the slideshow.● Slide transition time can be set.● Slides can be in square (cropped) or full picture mode.● Different slide transition mode like fade, slide, flip and zoom are available.★ Data file sharing● Data files of My Family app are shared using Dropbox, which provides data security.● Database and contact profile photos can be uploaded easily to Dropbox as backup or for sharing with others.● Data files are uploaded to folder with specific name created by the app, this avoids making mistake in uploading or downloading.● Only specific My Family uploaded files in the specific folder can be downloaded; again for avoiding mistake of downloading wrong files to the app.● Others can only download the data files when the specific folder is shared with them; for data security.● Contact profile photos created in My Family app are in small file size; saving storage space and increase upload or download speed.● Photos (usually in big file size) that linked to slideshow are not uploaded to Dropbox.● Others who downloaded the shared data files with My Family app will enjoy the info by not having to build the data from scratch. Only photos for slideshow are not shared.This free version app allows saving up to 100 contacts/family members.By upgrading it to the premium version, it remove this restriction and remove ads.Current version: Bug fixes.Version 1.17Removed Map functions:Google no longer offer free usage of Maps API for app. The Maps APIs in this app have been removed, users can continue to use this app without needing to pay for monthly subscription.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Very bad aap

phir biwafai

Boooo sooo boring😠💩💩booooo

Adrian De La Cruz


Sahil taaliemG

I have have one of these apps on another phone and it is really accurate this app was right with every bodies age set for mine I do like an app that's going to get it right then I will keep it so not too happy with this at the moment sorry x

Linda Lindfield

Very confusing. Would help if there was a tutorial or something.

CR Stevens

Very Confusing App, dont understand how to use it. Uninstaaled

Amit Kumar

1. Need to export whole tree to image or file (jpeg or pdf). 2. Need option to show birthday date below names when viewing tree chart. Can track down everyone's birthday from chart. 3. Possible to expand chart downward instead of to the right side? Nice app by the way.

Naz Hamid

Very nice app and user friendly. No option to for exporting family tree in PDF. And it only shows 3 generations in family tree. I was expecting at least 5-6 generations. Thanks. Will be waiting for the reply and update

Huzaifa Saifee

Yes really 👍

A Google user

nice app.. but no option/menu for export family tree to pdf

Dede Tito Ismanto